Quaker Education
What is Quaker Education?
Quakers care deeply about what kind of people, both young and old, are becoming, what goals and motives are effective in their lives, and what their response is to the high calling of being human.
Quaker education does not seek to inculcate a particular set of beliefs or doctrines; it seeks to nurture a particular sort of personhood, a person who has first-hand experience of the reality and importance of the truth in life. A person that can hear all voices but trust their own. A person who is tolerant and can accept the fundamental differences between us while still finding a constructive path with those they disagree with.
Members of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers believe that there is “that of God” in everyone—that goodness and dignity are inherent in all human beings. Sometimes this godliness is referred to as a "divine spark" and a beautiful potential for compassion and truth.
International Friends School emphasizes the development of a caring community, peaceful resolution of conflict, and service to others, especially those less fortunate. Friends schools have a long tradition of putting love into action resulting in a unique combination of academic excellence and moral development.
The following Quaker testimonies are studied and practiced every day at IFS. We believe that what we do, say, and feel every day, shapes the person we are all becoming.
We are proud to be part of a national network of some of the best independent schools today. Click here for a map of other Friends Schools in the USA.
Meeting for Worship
To strengthen the spirit, quiet the mind, and allow our inner resources to organize, we meet in silent reflection once a week as a school and every month as a community. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend. After the Meeting for Worship, the IFS community will explore our queries and strengthen our togetherness.
* Thank you to the San Francisco Friends School and Friends Council on Education for helping us inform and shape our writing about the Quaker traditions and testimonies.
Link to the Friends Council on Education with an abundance of resources on Quaker Education:
Links to a few other Friends Schools in the United States: