Elementary Program

At IFS, our elementary students grow in maturity and cognitive flexibility. We challenge them to work hard, play hard, and develop a strong sense of collaboration.

We don’t expect students to “cram” information. We expect them to learn intentionally and to be able to communicate their learning (in all Core subjects) in the Mandarin language. We are proud every year that our elementary students surpass grade-level expectations in math by applying math skills in relevant ways to learning. 

Chinese Language Arts

96.9% of IFS students met or exceeded language proficiency standards.” (Spring 2024).

One of our program strengths is that our students excel in communicating in Mandarin (listening and speaking skills). 

In Mandarin Speaking and Listening skills, our students consistently reach Novice High level by the end of kindergarten and Intermediate High by 3rd grade.

Formal assessments begin with kindergarten at IFS. Our 2023 kindergarten and first graders also reached high levels of Mandarin proficiency in speaking, listening, and reading, putting them on the same trajectory as our second-grade students. 

Because they began to study early and have already achieved a high level of proficiency for their age group, with continued study, they are on track to reach the highest levels of language performance (See table below from ACTFL).

Our mathematics program at IFS is excellent! 100% of our students tested at their grade level or higher. 

The Right Amount of English

Despite 5% English instruction time in preschool, 15% English instruction time in kindergarten, and 25% English instruction in 1st and 3rd grade, 75% of our first graders and 70% of our second graders tested at grade level or higher.

The amount of English instruction increases as our students continue in the program. By 5th grade, 50% of the program is in English and 50% is in Chinese. 

Research has shown that students in immersion language programs experience a temporary lag in English; however, as their English instruction increases, this lag disappears. Recent research has shown that by 5th grade, immersion students outperform monolingual peers by 7 months.

Click on the class name to read more about each class.

Meeting Students where THEY are

Visit an IFS classroom to see Differentiated Instruction in action. Teachers use assessment knowledge to tailor learning to each student's needs. Our approach includes partnerships, small groups, and individualized targets, recognizing that one size doesn't fit all.

Assessment Drives Instruction

We assess students before teaching to gauge their level on a skills rubric, from Novice to Advanced. This helps monitor progress and show measurable results as students move along the rubric, regardless of their starting point.

Integrating Knowledge into Science and Social Studies Standards

Project-based learning integrates Math and Mandarin Literacy skills into Science or Social Studies units. Students confidently articulate their learning journey, showcasing the direct application of these skills to the community.

Presenting Boldly +
Building Self-Esteem

Elementary students learn to confidently present their projects to a diverse audience, improving both their confidence and communication skills.

21st Century Preparedness

Students attend a weekly STEAM class to develop vital 21st-century skills. Starting from 1st grade, they engage in hands-on activities in our Maker Space to learn typing, coding, and design following engineering standards.

Building Global Competency

At IFS, we celebrate Global Village twice a year, delving into the geography, history, food, language, and culture of a chosen country. Through this experience, students gain valuable insights into the lives and cultures of others, fostering understanding and appreciation of global diversity.

Nurturing Leadership

Mixed-age students engage in a weekly Student Club led by a Student Leader, focusing on social-emotional learning topics like standing up against bullying and organizing environmental initiatives like a Sustainability Fair.

Problem- Solving

At IFS, we use the Quaker decision-making method for transparently addressing classroom issues. This involves students and teachers collaboratively creating agendas, managing resources, and devising interventions for issues like gossip among friends.

Resolving Conflicts through Communication

At IFS, we teach students to embrace life's challenges and conflicts as opportunities for growth. Through our Peace Process, we encourage open communication and perspective-sharing during times of conflict.

Mindful Meditation

Known as “Meeting for Worship”, our students spend time each week in silence to allow all their thoughts to be heard.

We share Joys & Concerns and support each other as community members.

Developing Community Bonds

Our Buddy System pairs an older student with a younger one, allowing beautiful relationships to form outside of classes.

Exploring the PNW: A Journey of Growth and Maturity

From 1st grade onwards, students attend a two-day stay-away camp on the Olympic Peninsula. Here, they learn about Indigenous tribes and outdoor survival skills while fostering independence and teamwork through communal activities around the campfire.

Community Minded Behaviors

Our Elementary Students are expected to work before they begin their 45-minute Play Block twice daily.

The IFS 5-acre campus requires extensive weeding, harvesting, planting, watering, and bed preparation.

Upholding Traditions

At IFS, we respect the traditions that make us a stronger community. Each year, Lion Dancers help us to usher in the new year, celebrated by over 1 billion people around the world.