Why Give
The International Friends School is an independent school teaching the values of the Quaker testimonies – service, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. We create habits of strong heart and mind in a modern, immersive, and multilingual environment.
As an independent school, we have the freedom to develop and implement programs through the Quaker values as well as fostering the journey of each child becoming fluent in Mandarin and English, growing their awareness of their community and ultimately the bigger world at large, and nurturing the kind, capable heart and mind of every child in our classrooms.
This independence has an economic aspect as well: we are entirely self-funded. This year, tuition covers roughly 92% of our annual operating costs and we rely on donations to the Friends Fund to help make up the gap. The Friends Fund is the cornerstone of a Friends education, touching every student, every day.
Gifts to the Friends Fund directly impact faculty salaries and professional development, adjustable tuition, class trips and service learning, and so much more.
What to Expect
All current parents are solicited for the Annual Fund, as are grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, Board of Trustee members, faculty and staff, and friends of IFS.
IFS has a goal of 100% participation in the Annual Fund from our parents, faculty and staff, and Board of Trustees. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and vital to our fiscal health.
Like all nonprofit independent schools, tuition alone does not cover the entire cost of an IFS education. In fact, tuition currently covers only 92% of the cost per student and the Friends Fund, our annual fundraiser, helps supplement costs to enhance the day-to-day life of every student and faculty member.
The Friends Fund accounts for 8% of the school’s operating budget funding:
Professional/instructional development
Financial aid
Curriculum enhancements
Essential resources that benefit students & faculty
Tuition payments are not considered donations for tax purposes and do not qualify for corporate matching. Whereas, contributions made to the Friends Fund are tax-deductible and can be matched by corporations, thus allowing the school to access additional financial support that we would not otherwise obtain.
IFS relies primarily on the Friends Fund to ensure we have the resources necessary to sustain our mission, vision, and educational programs. These funds are the margin of excellence at IFS. Your gift supports students as they prepare to embrace the challenges of today so they may seize the opportunities of tomorrow.
IFS, like other independent not-for-profit schools, views fundraising as a collective endeavor that involves our entire community and makes a difference in every students’ education. Raising tuition by the gap amount would further restrict the number of families who could afford to attend IFS, diminishing our commitment to socioeconomic diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
Additionally, unlike tuition, Friends Fund donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Friends Fund benefits every aspect of the school as follows:
50%: Financial Aid (partial fund)
10%: Professional Development (fully fund)
12%: Faculty & Staff Appreciation (fully fund)
28%: Campus Improvements/Maintenance (partial fund)
Support is requested of current parents/guardians, board members, faculty and staff. Everyone’s participation matters, regardless of the size of the gift. Our goal is to reach 100% participation.
We also receive support from extended families, friends, and alumni.
Yes, everyone’s participation matters, regardless of the size of the gift. Participation is the most important measure to evaluate community support for IFS’s vision, mission, and values.
For the 2024-25 school year, the fundraising goal is $288,000. Please contribute any amount that is comfortable for your family and know that all donations are truly appreciated. Every gift helps close the gap between tuition and the cost of IFS education. The success of the Friends Fund relies not just on hitting the financial goal, but also the community goal of achieving 100% participation.
100% participation sends a very strong message. It means that parents/guardians and our community members support and believe in IFS. Gifts to the Friends Fund – no matter the amount – are important. Lenders and foundations also look at participation rates to decide whether to give/lend to IFS – let’s show them this commitment!
Many companies match the charitable gifts made by their employees. Some also provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, effectively doubling or even tripling the impact of your generous gift.
Please check with your employer to see what charitable contribution programs are available.
You can pledge or donate online today. We encourage 100% participation (gift or pledge) by December 6, 2024, the last day of our Friends Fund campaign, though gifts are accepted at any time. If you pledge now, you can make installments over the school year, with the remaining balance due by June 15, 2025.
Email the IFS Development Office at development@ifschool.org