Early Childhood

Educational Philosophy

Our preschool students develop practical life skills in a joyful, stimulating environment. They are immersed in Mandarin inside and outside the classroom, in our wonderful garden and playgrounds. Our Reggio-Emilia approach and small class sizes allow teachers to invite children to discover their interests and develop their ideas.

Our pre-kindergarten students take off on their journey of Mandarin literacy. In our pre-kindergarten 1 class, students learn to recognize more than 30 Chinese characters and continue making progress with their oral communication skills. In our pre-kindergarten 2 class, students continue learning to read and begin. By the end of the year, children will recognize more than 100 Chinese characters and write 20 characters.

Click on the class logo to explore more information.

Toddler - Koi

Age 12 months - 29 months

Teacher-Student Ratio 1 : 4 (Max)

Preschool - Panda

Age 2.5 years - 3 years

Teacher-Student Ratio 1 : 5.33 (Max)

Pre-Kindergarten 1 -
Water Dragon

Age 3 years - 4 years

Teacher-Student Ratio 1 : 6 (Max)

Pre-Kindergarten 2 - Fire/Golden Dragon

Age 4 years to 5 years

Teacher-Student Ratio 1 : 7 (Max)

Creativity is of paramount importance in an Information Age.

Cooking builds math skills and nurtures contribution.

Daily Executive-Functioning skills build a strong organizational math sense.

Students walk to Wilburton Park & Bellevue Botanical Garden every week.

Students write and draw every day. This helps them with early literacy in both languages.

Even the youngest of children can make contributions to their school.

All students participate in school wide projects to explore Quaker Values.

Every Friday is Assembly and all students attend

Family Days are a wonderful way for families to connect to life inside the classroom.

Our Early Childhood students play outside for over an hour twice a day in all kinds of weather.

Students at IFS love to play and learn. We believe in a creative learning culture.